  • Client

    Rajib Kumar Bhujel

  • Date

    Sep 13, 2024

Nepali Calendar Web App Overview

Frontend: The app uses Vue.js to create a dynamic, responsive interface. Key components include the calendar display and interactive forms for managing events.

Backend: Laravel Blade handles server-side logic and data rendering. It processes user requests, such as retrieving or updating calendar data, and communicates with the database.

Features: The app supports full CRUD operations:

  • Create: Add new events or holidays.
  • Read: View calendar entries in various formats.
  • Update: Modify existing entries.
  • Delete: Remove outdated entries.

Data Management:

Database Integration: The app uses Laravel’s Eloquent ORM for smooth database interactions. Data such as events and holidays are stored and managed efficiently.

CRUD Operations:

  • Create: Users add new entries via forms.
  • Read: Data is displayed in the calendar.
  • Update: Users can edit entries.
  • Delete: Entries can be removed from the database.

Security and Performance: The app ensures data security with input validation and secure transactions. Performance is optimized for handling large volumes of data.